Code of conduct

Welcome to EvalApply, a space for anyone interested in learning to program.

Anyone is welcome to join, whether you’re experienced in programming or just starting out and wanting to learn. When getting involved in our open space, we ask everyone to respect our community values by following the code of conduct below.

We are social

We are radically open and actively inclusive

We wish to be a diverse bunch from all walks of life and with different life experiences. We welcome all people willing to be radically open: of all appearances, genders, sexualities, nationalities, abilities, backgrounds and political leanings.

We take time to get to know each other and consider how others may think and feel, and how comments or actions may be perceived in a diverse community. We all make mistakes or assumptions about others, no matter how open we think we are, but please consider the potential impact of your actions on the people around you. When people express discomfort or raise an issue, listen carefully first before reacting.

Even if you disagree with something, take the lead from professional critics: they foster healthy conversation and debate without ever attacking people personally. Think about that when responding to others, and ask yourself the question: would I say it to their face?

We are friendly

It's really important that we make people who come to our space feel welcome straight away so that we don’t loss them before they’ve gotten started. You can put people at ease in really simple ways: acknowledging their presence (saying hi), letting them know how it works (what do they need to do next, what can they expect), offering them a ‘way-in’ (a cup of tea, a place to wait, a way to contribute).

We are hands-on

We help each other, whether it is to install a Scheme environment or go through a SICP exercise.

We do-it-together

We discuss our understanding of SICP, where we're at in the course and progress our understanding by working together.

We have fun

Lisp is a beautiful language, and its Scheme dialect is minimalist. Going through SCIP, as a group, is a great way to learn computing concepts in a fun way.

We are system-changing

Lisp was invented in 1958 and is one of the oldest computer language. The Scheme dialect was created at the MIT in the 1970s. As a functional language Lisp and Scheme are also very modern and powerful. By understanding fundamental computing concepts, on which AI was build, and exploring an elegant and powerful language we are looking to empower ourselves and reverse the dumbing down trend of software teaching.